“Through the Woods” by Emily Carroll, in which I get creeped out and decide the woods are the best place to hide
For those of you who do not know, there is a webcomic series called “Deep Dark Fears”, where people submit anxieties they have or weird or traumatic ideas and fears that they had as children. It’s a great comic for anyone who has anxiety and invasive thoughts, and I used to especially love them because to me they embodied a mindset that I found it hard to come by. I love the idea of paranoid delusion. I have loved it since 2014, when I would spend all day listening to creepy-pasta’s on YouTube, in the mostly empty apartment where my family was living at the time. I was already very misanthropic at the time and to me, this view of the world, as being uncertain and filled with dark things that we can’t notice, was very enticing. I’m not as paranoid as I think I once was, but I still suffer from a lot of the same anxieties and issues and I feel this...