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Showing posts from August, 2018

Hearthstone expansions and adventures (up until this point) ranked worst to best

The Boomsday project is coming almost here so it only seems fitting to finally rank all the expansions and adventures. I couldn’t find any articles doing this, so I decided to do it myself. Of course, to preserve a sense of Hitchcockian suspense and to assure the most possibly clickbait article name, we’ll save the best for last. For reference, the Coolest Cards will be determined not by the most effective but the most fun and interesting. The Worst Cards will be determined by the OP or cards that I consider Toxic. And the Wasted potential category will refer to cards that could have been cool but were too underpowered to reach their full potential.  12. One Night in Karazhan: This adventure was simultaneously the easiest and the least creative. The cards that it brought in are hardly remembered either, with most of the legendaries being middle of the road at best and underpowered garbage at worst. The portal cards were alright but half of them cost too much for their ...