So, far, Witchwood has been interesting. It has shaken up the meta a lot more than I think Kobold and Catacombs did and possibly more than Knights of the Frozen Throne. In doing that, it seems to be sending Hearthstone down what I consider a dangerous path. Let’s start with the dungeon run mode though. I enjoyed this a lot. I’ve heard some people complaining about how less content came with it than there was with K&C, but I enjoyed the quality of the monster hunters and figuring out how each of them worked. It could be challenging, but rarely frustrating, and the fights were very stimulating once you decoded them. It also solved the problem of runs in K&C where you had no idea what the final boss might be, so you just had to kind of make the cheesiest deck you could, rather than know that if you picked out the right emblems, you would at least do well against that monster hunter's final boss. Hearthstone has created some surprisingly cool characters in its time and the on...
A blog about reviewing books and looking into writing styles and tips. Also my basic insanity.