June: How is he? Doctor: Where to begin? He is happy during the day but plagued by nightmares every time he goes to sleep. He also insists on the curtains being open so that he can see the bay from his room. It is strange, even after almost drowning, he still likes the look of the water. Oh, one, other thing. He…he resents me. I can tell every moment that I am in there with him. He wants to be outside, to say hello to all his neighbors, to give condolences to the families of the crew members he lost. He wants to be a part of the world, even though he still has not fully healed. June: Well, thank you for looking after him. Doctor: You must joking! He does more for this town than the mayor. Personally, I believe that this attitude has stopped an awful lot of people from packing up shop and leaving when the going got rough. I just hope you can put a bit of common sense back into him. June: Alan, you are looking…rather well for a hospital patient. Alan: June! It is...
A blog about reviewing books and looking into writing styles and tips. Also my basic insanity.